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Not Enough Hours In The Day

NOT ENOUGH HOURSE IN THE DAY WORKING MUMSo we've all heard the saying 'Beyonce has as many hours in the day as you', well I've dabbled (very briefly) in the past with getting up early to achieve more but there were 'secret' strings attached. I was reading 'Miracle Morning' at the time and very in to this 'law of attraction' thing so I think there was a vision board involved? It was just not me at all so there's no wonder I didn't stick to it.Fast forward a couple of years and I feel like I have even less time in my day. Who knew that kids became more demanding the older they got? I thought I was over the hump but NO! So I'm up at 6.30 (an hour and a half before I usually roll out of bed at the very last moment each morning) to edit my new podcast and write up this post.Aside from wanting to get more done I have one main focus here, I want to be able to schedule time to play with Milo. Ella is 12 and basically wants nothing to do with me so the most time she requires is when she needs help printing her homework 3 minutes before we leave for school, but Milo? It's constant and I feel like I'm constantly saying no. As I talked about in this post, when I'm not working I want just a sliver of down time that doesn't involve costumes, sword fights or lego but I also want to make room for that so my son doesn't start seeing me as the parent who never plays.Fun Fact: The moment I sat down on the sofa this morning, Milo came in with a huge smile on his face holding his iPad. I had to tell him to go back to bed. I feel awful. I've woken up early to work so that I can dedicate some real time to him in the evenings and not have to push him away, the irony will be very much lost on him but is painful for me.Another thing, how do all these motivational gurus get up at 5 without getting a clout from their bedmate? I felt like 6/6.30 was the very earliest I could fairly disturb my husband (a very light sleeper) up with my alarm. 5am is potentially disruptive to the entire house! Do these people all live alone with no ankle biters (the human kind) seeing the early morning as a chance to play or watch Ninjago?I don't know but I'm giving it a try and I'd be very interested to hear from any of you who get up extra early to get more done without the distractions of your family. I do have a snoring dog at my feet right now but I don't think he counts.