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No Buy March / Weekly Wind Down 3.1

First and foremost, these sandals are from Primark and they're amazing dupes for YSL sliders! You have to go get a pair!This was all geared up to be a pretty exciting one since my book was released in the UK.. however Amazon screwed something up and delayed all the pre-orders and I'm yet to get an update from the publisher as to what exactly is going on. Apparently the earlier orderers have had dispatch emails now but still - bit of a stressful end to the week!I had acrylic nails applied for the first time in 10 years. I thought I'd give them a trial run as an option for our holiday since no polish (gel or otherwise) lasts me through the airport let alone for the whole week. They're taking some getting used to and I think I'd prefer them shorter next time but so far I'm very much enjoying having permanently glam nails and not having to constantly repaint them.I started a 'no buy' for March. Historically the month before holiday  is a bad one for impulse spending and really the time I should be saving for holiday money so I've cut myself off. I did cheat a little by taking Ella clothes shopping yesterday but that doesn't count, right? I think I'm going  to keep a running tally of things I would have bought on Amazon and at the end of the month I can't imagine I'll still want many. We started watching Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee yesterday so I've already saved myself the cost of a drip coffee machine!!Lastly a quick update on the CBD vaping I told you about last week. I'm not sure it's doing all I'd hoped for back-pain wise but it's had a huge impact on my mood. Rather than unwinding with a glass of wine in the evenings I've vaped a little and it's made me feel calmer and more relaxed. It could be a placebo but hey, less calories than the glass of wine so I'll take it!Oh and I finally did write up our LA itinerary so I'll share that later in the week to see if you have any suggestions! It's a work in progressOff to watch Serenity on Sky now, have you seen it?