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Blurry, Blurry Night

70s suede jacket gucci soho disco redWhen I use song lyric-inspired titles I always worry that I'm so not 'down with the kids' that they're going to seem just a bit eccentric. I hope at least some of you are 'with me' and if you're not, let me introduce you to a song by Don McLean that will make you cry.. big tears. You've been warned.Moving on, I went out with some friends last Saturday night and spotted this very insta-worthy alley way. I enlisted the help of a friend to take these impromptu shots after a couple of bottles of prosecco, et voila. Probably a great representation of our evening actually since it ended with one of us falling out of the taxi, Bridget Jones-style.70s suede jacket gucci soho disco redIMG_234170s suede jacket gucci soho disco redI go through phases of trying to buy 'going out clothes' but I always end up feeling like I'm playing dress up and the older I get the more I worry that I look like I am. So on this evening I decided to err on the side of grown up and I loved the outfit I pulled together (that makes me sound like I know what I'm talking about, doesn't it?).ASOS HAUL


The suede jacket has hardly been worn since I picked it up last spring from the bargainous All Saints Gloucester Outlet for a song but I'm determined to get my moneys worth (cheap All Saints in still not cheap) and actually wear it this year. Between the suede and the straight, straight hair (also a new vibe for me) I was feeling more than a little 70s.. and I liked it. My off-centre Gucci-esque belt has totally hooked me too. I am 'straight up and down' and it gives the illusion of the waist I'll never have. 70s suede jacket gucci soho disco redAnd of course my most cherished purchase of 2017, my Gucci Disco. I bought that bag almost a year ago exactly (for my birthday) so I've have had my eye out for my 2018 treat recently but I'm trying to reign in the cash splashing a little this year. Expect some highstreet handbag love coming your way very soon! For now.. here are a few luxurious but not quite so bank breaking alternatives I'm very into..red handbags